Sometimes I sit around tables for team and departmental meetings discussing and coming up with strategies on how to undertake small tasks with a wider intention of achieving the bigger organizational goals. Today in history was sitting with my colleagues when a question came up from my manager: ‘What motivates you to come to work?’Enthusiasm and brightness in our eyes clearly showed that it was a question that everyone would jump in to respond. The highlights of the motivation to come to work from the discussion were:

I have people looking up to me for direction. Our manager clearly stated how she bears in mind that she is leading a people who believe in her capability to give the best of direction and above all  bring them up to speed. ‘I am happy because this week I will go home knowing that one of my team members has learnt one great skill which will take him a long way in terms of career growth.’ I must say that very few people will lead, direct, manage, nurture one to their overflowing potential. Is it not impressive and encouraging when people explore their potential while working with you?

The challenging tasks ahead. Tasks that one is not sure of how to begin pose a challenge to anyone who needs to report to another on the progress of the task. When my mind is jogged by different tasks which seem to be rocket science for the week, I experience a very interesting week of critical thinking. I confess that taking tasks and implementing them is not a problem but now converting the practicals into theories is really mentally involving. Such instances test my organizational skills, knowledge retention and the best of all, writing skills.

When I know that I am going to solve a problem. Problem solving is an area many would run a way from but this colleague courageously faces his day with the desire to solve any problem, I dare you, any problem! He would lightly say ‘At the beginning of the week we had a task to be completed and somehow it is done’. It is about completion of tasks through creativity.

Interacting with customers: It sounds crazy and tiresome especially when we picture of a market place but I bet this one reason is amazing-virtual interactivity. ‘Getting question from users and giving them responses is what I love doing’. I admit the experience is so interesting.

A great team. In addition to the above intrinsic motivators,that which crowns all-a warm team that drives many to work. That which is sensitive to humor, borrows the saying ‘All work without play makes Jack a dull boy’: ‘All work without humor makes one a dull person’. A working environment that is lively iced with comic relief indeed keeps me in the office achieving organizational goals. Create an environment that your colleagues would run to at the beginning of every week.

Hang out with your colleagues and hear what they have to say ‘motivates them to come to work every time…’